Lecture 3: Addiction

Addiction from Chris German on Vimeo.

The third talk of The Brain: Design & Disorder lecture series provides an easy to understand explanation of addiction and how drugs of abuse affect the brain. If you have any questions about the topics presented within this talk, please post them to our Facebook discussion page under the Lecture 3: Addiction Questions section and we will provide answers!

Lecture 2: Neurodegenerative Disease & Mental Illness

Neurodegenerative Disease and Mental Illness from Chris German on Vimeo.

The second talk of The Brain: Design & Disorder lecture series explains the biology and treatment of neurodegenerative disease and mental illness. Topics covered include Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Depression, Anxiety Disorder. Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. If you have any questions about the topics presented within this talk, please post them to our Facebook discussion page under the Lecture 2: Neurodegenerative Disease & Mental Illness Questions section and we will provide answers!

Lecture 1: Form & Function

Form and Function from Chris German on Vimeo.

This first talk of The Brain: Design & Disorder lecture series provides basic insight into the layout and workings of the brain and nervous system. If you have any questions about the topics presented within this talk, please post them to our Facebook discussion page under the Lecture 1: Form & Function Questions section and we will provide answers!


The last lecture, Addiction, will be held in the Main Auditorium of the Salt Lake City Main Public Library, NOT the 4th floor meeting room. 

As before, we will start at 7 PM and hope to see you all there!
We've had a great turnout for the first two lectures, and a lot of really good questions! Join us next Tuesday, April 5 as we talk about addiction.

Lecture Series

The Brain: Design & Disorder is a free public lecture series that will provide an easy to understand explanation of brain and nervous system function.  No science background is necessary! This three part series will provide an introduction to the brain and nervous system, explain common mental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, and illustrate how addiction occurs.  Each lecture can be understood on its own, so attend one, two or all three!

All lectures will be held one week apart at the Salt Lake City Main Library, a schedule, general information and talk descriptions can be found on the banner above and are listed below:

Form & Function - Tuesday March  22, 2011 - 7 PM

Neurodegenerative Diseases & Mental Illnesses - Tuesday March 29, 2011 - 7 PM

Addiction - Tuesday April 5, 2011 - 7 PM

Lectures will last 45 minutes with a question and answer period to follow.

All lectures will be held at:

Salt Lake City Main Library
Level 4 Meeting Room
210 East 400 South
Salt Lake City

We hope to see you at one of the lectures and would like to thank The Brain Institute at the University of Utah for their support.